Oh baby fever! That means three kids...

"So when are you gonna have a third child?" is a question I am asked ALL the time.
Well, to tell the truth, I "think" I want a baby, but I really don't. We've been weighing the pro's and con's of having a third child. They say, three is really the magic number but is it really? Is it because babies are all around me? I mean, most of my friends have kids who are my kids' age. Why would I want to start over again? Would it really be that easy? Or would I want to give the baby back to his sperm and egg donor? I can not truly answer that question!!! I'm so indecisive at the moment. My kids have everything they want and more and I want to be sure that I keep giving them that same love and attention as much as they need it. With a third child-- how am I to do that? Would it be the same? Or different? I do my research, sure and I ask random mommy's out there these questions and it's pretty funny because every mother is different when you ask her. It's always in-between, "oh we love having three children, we've always wanted a big family" OR "stay with two kids, you have the perfect set, a boy and a girl."
And here I am--I feel like I'm done... but then again, a little voice inside my head says I'm not. What does that mean? I see people everyday happy with only one child or some are even struggling to have A CHILD and I have been blessed to have two (a boy AND a girl), so am I being selfish or am I being practical? I'm the only child from my parents and made a vow to myself at a very early age that when I were to ever have children, I would have at least two or three, maybe four, so they would have siblings to play with and we could be a big happy family. I know my kiddos say they want a "baby sister" or "baby brother" but there it is-- already sibling rivalry about what gender they want... I know they will be big helpers and they will love the third like no other. BUT then again, I don't know--maybe I'm kidding myself.

Why three really is the magic number when it comes to having children


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