"Will you Marry Me Mommy?"

And then my heart melted...
Last night my son was more clingy towards me than he usually is. Everything I did he had to be right beside me. Everywhere I went he had to be there with me. Our home isn't super huge, so imagine a child following you around a small house while trying to undress, cook dinner, do homework, and study for your clinical midterm. I knew something was up. I played along with him and made sure to let him know that he was my big helper. He loves the attention and can most times take it a bit over board if he gets out of hand. There is nothing like a child that runs around the house like a chicken with it's head cut off. This time he was sweet. He had something up his sleeve. He did forewarn me on having something special for me for my birthday. I wasn't thinking that this would be it. We sat down for dinner and being the slick little boy he is, he said softly, how he loved my heart shaped ring on my left hand. Then he asked me if I could take it off so he could see it closely (btw, he has seen this ring plenty of times and I still didn't think anything of it). After dinner, he left the table to use the restroom and came back full force down on one knee near me and said the sweetest thing... "Will you marry me mommy?" (with my ring of course) What was my answer? YES! So we had a whole ceremony and my daughter was the flower girl, my mom gave me away and Jason was the guy at the front reciting the lines. Haha. If only my son knew that there is no such thing as marrying your mother and before I destroy his childhood imagination, until the day comes where he gets it and understands that it is not possible for this to come true in the future, I will allow him to indulge in this little memory he and I made on 6/18/2014. 


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