Tantrums and Whinning... It's in the Food!

Tantrums are E's Release. He has been getting better as he grows older and more mature. However, after searching for an answer, researching tantrums and their causes, I found my answer. After studying cancer and it's killers via food, chemicals etc, I came across the sensitivities that certain foods and additives have on a body (let alone children). Think about it, children were never diagnosed with disabilities until well after we began eating the below listed. So I have tested it and believe strongly that, "you are what you eat."

What are the 3 most common foods associated with ADHD-like symptoms?

Dairy. According to Doris Rapp, M.D., author of Is This Your Child? and The Impossible Child, dairy is at the top of the list of foods that cause behavior, focus & attention problems. Other signs that your child could have a problem with dairy? Bed wetting (past toddlerhood), asthma, temper tantrums, frequent ear upper respiratory or sinus infections, and vocal tics or throat clearing.
Wheat/gluten. According to the book Dangerous Grains, written by James, Braly, MD and Ron Hoggan, M.A., “About 70% of children with untreated celiac disease show exactly the same abnormalities in brain-wave patterns as those who have been diagnosed with attention deficit disorder. Mood disorders are also common with gluten intolerances – including aggressive, angry, bullying, and irritable behavior.”
Food colorings and additives. A total of 15 million pounds of dyes are added to foods each year, many of which are directly marketed at school-aged children. Food dyes have been linked to behavioral problems, hyperactivity, allergic reactions, and even some cancers. A study published in the journal Lancet in 2007, concluded that food dyes increased hyperactivity in children. Based on this study, the British government banned the use of food dyes, and all foods that contain dyes in Europe must come with a warning label that says “may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.” Read more about the Dangers Associated with Food Dyes at Disease-Proof.
These are 3 of the most common things to consider with regard to ADHD, but there are a number of other foods/substances that could be causing focus and attention problems – including high fructose corn syrup/sugar, pesticides, mercury, soy, eggs, corn – to just name a few.

How could food sensitivities create ADHD-like symptoms?

Nutrient deficiencies could be to blame. The small intestine is where most nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream. Consuming foods that the body is sensitive to can cause damage to the small intestine, which can lead to issues in nutrient absorption and utilization. Another reason for nutrient deficiencies could be extremely picky eating, or a highly processed diet that is lacking in macro and micronutrients.


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