Time away from your kids may truly be beneficial.

We all need alone time but I hear from a lot of parents that they feel guilty when they take time away from their kids. I've been researching because I was once one of these parents, and let me tell you, after this, you will be guilt free. If you have a nanny, babysitter, aunt, uncle, or grandparent who loves your children, please give them the opportunity to have a closer relationship with your kids by going away for the weekend, having a girl's night, having a date night, or going to the gym. It’s good for you and it’s also really good for your kids.
A study recently came out showing that children who had two parents who participated in their upbringing, specifically, kids who had a relationship with their fathers as well as with their mothers had higher IQ’s than kids who only had a mother in their lives.  In fact, researchers could tell who had had a father’s influence during childhood when they looked at the IQ scores of people in their 20’s! Whoa! I will take that! My children are smart as it is and with all the extra love, they are on to a really good start and successful future.
So, what do you think? Is this study true? 
Well, I think so. If two parents are better than one parent, then even more caring adult influences are likely to benefit your child too, especially for those single parents out there.
Ok, so it does benefit your child to spend time away from you and you away from your child.
Why? Because, when you get time away you’re able to look at things from a new perspective. Right? You might get some new insights while taking time away at a concert/outing, or you might just relax and enjoy yourself, allowing yourself to let go and stop being responsible for another human being for a moment.
A big plus behind this, is you actually get to MISS them. I know I do when I'm spending time away from them. They're not with me at the moment while I'm writing this and thanks to this blog, I'm missing them... Thankfully I get to see them in 3 more hours!
So take time away and be guilt free. For it truly benefits both you and your kids.
Challenge yourself. Go ahead! I did. And what better way then to spend it with the one's close to you while they're being watched by one's who care for them.


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