I knew I co-sleeped with my babies for a reason!

Pediatrician and Study Now Say Babies ‘Should Sleep in Mother’s Bed Until Age Three’

I came across this amazing article this morning. Read the full article above. I knew co-sleeping with my babies was beneficial after all. After reading the article and finding out that infants and toddlers can have stress, problems with their hearts, brain development, and problems with bonding; I'm so glad I didn't have to put them through it. Call me an enabler but to "each his own." Shoot, I myself couldn't sleep if they weren't right beside me. I remember when M was a baby, she wouldn't sleep comfortably if she wasn't near me. I guess nursing her didn't help either, it was just easier for the both of us. After all, she nursed every 2 hours. However, with my second child, people and docs told me it wasn't good for E to sleep with me, so I made sure to place him in a co-sleeper right beside the bed next to me, but because I breastfed, he ended up in my arms on the bed anyways. I wouldn't have it any other way. My argument is and always will be, that what person would roll over and suffocate their own child? I knew who was sleeping with me, how, where and why and absolutely had no ill feelings towards ever harming my children. For me it was a bonding moment. This made me even more gentle as a mother, knowing these little babies were laying right beside me. Also, because I breastfed for two years with each child, waking up every two hours to nurse, also made me aware of their placement on the bed. Many of my friends would say I was enabling them to sleep on their own, but I was their mother. I knew what was best for them and I. I was the "Kangaroo Mother" and still am to this day. These grown kids still sneak in and sleep with me. They are 7 and 4 years old and are just fine. They have bunk beds and sleep in their own room but sometimes it's more convenient for them to sleep with me. I don't mind at all. It's all about bonding. My parents did it with me and I love doing it with my children. I get my private time as well as my "me time" but my priority is them. I'm glad I was able to share those bonding moments with them.
Throwing in a photo I found of us with the kiddos in our bed... 2009. lol


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