Today is World Cancer Day...

You know, honestly I didn't know there was an actual day for "cancer". Apparently there is, and I found out this morning, unexpectedly while watching the morning news. Cancer was always something that I tried to make myself aware of yet also tried to stay away from the facts and the negativity as I knew quite a few people, who either fought it, lost the battle or are conquering it right now. I never would have imagined that I would be so knowledgeable and emotional about ithe word "cancer" as I am today. I would have never thought in my mind, that I would lose someone so close to me. Today meant a lot. My father and I were extremely close and when he fought his last fight, he was one who lost the battle to Lymphoma cancer on this past November 2013. To be a part of such a powerful category in which people feel sorry and pity you for your  situation of either having endured it, or dealing with someone who did/does, isn't something to be proud of. There's so much information that compliments and shares this theory. 
Lymphoma Awareness Color: Lime Green Lymphoma Awareness Month: September Lymphoma is cancer that starts in the lymphatic system and then spreads to the rest of the body. 
Since 1999, the lime green ribbon has been the established and well-known color to raise the importance of awareness for Lymphoma causes. However, there are two types of Lymphoma: Hodgkin's and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma with many subtypes. 
Lime green ribbon to signify's awareness for Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (what my daddy's prognosis was) because of its longevity as the known color for this cause. 

He is my hero. My warrior. My fighter. My father. My daddy. My best friend. My  comfort. My strong-hold. My never give up man. I miss the first man in my life, who wiped my tears, taught me to ride a bike, and always let me know it would be OK!
I am a WOMAN of my word. I mean what I say and say what I mean. I am determined, strong minded, and stubborn. It takes a real real man to handle me. Thanks Dad, you always knew! Today and everyday, I celebrate your courage! 
And most importantly I thank God for allowing me to have you in my life for 27 years. I will never forget you.


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