A Ride In The Park: Family Time

Saturday was one of those days you put in the book of extreme fun days! We all had a blast and boy did we feel it later. We decided that after my daughters cheer competition, we would not waste a beautiful day. It was perfect weather for some spontaneity and we ended up at the Houston Museum District. 
Proud Mami! She's growing up TOO fast... I think I'll go cry now. #cheerlife #lovethisgirl #youngmamilife
We initially told our friends to meet us there with their children after cheer competition, however we ended up getting out way earlier than the scheduled time. So we actually had two hours of family time to spare. Jason decided that we were going to ride bikes and put the kiddos in the front basket. (How legal was that? I have no idea??) So we rented the bikes in the park and rode around the park and museum district for an hour in a half. We have now come to the conclusion that Bike Riding is our family thing. Our next to-do list is to find the inexpensive yet most reasonable durable bikes for a family of four, to begin our bike riding adventures. I remember my daddy taking me on bike riding trips every weekend. I want to be able to do the same with my kiddos.
After our friends met us we grabbed lunch, rode the train (after the fact that we had to jump off the first attempt and take my daughter to do #2), then rode the paddle boats (where the dad's decided to soak the kids at the waterfall- Thank God Katie and I stayed together). The guys were trying so hard to push us intot he waterfall, but these two super-mommy's right here, didn't lose without a fight!
Bike riding in this beautiful weather!!!
Riding in beautiful Hermann park
Posing for his sister who took the picture while waiting for us to set up the bikes.
Riding the train and paddle boats with our kiddos ♥ Moments pass but memories will last forever ♥
Paddle Boat Wars!
The Water Wall at the Galleria


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