Bittersweet Moments

As parents, let’s not forget that our kids’ education isn’t “just” the teachers job. It’s the parents’ job to motivate, evaluate and educate our kids as well. Teachers are educators. Parents are the role models. E's teacher said he scored out of kindergarten grade level and he's only in Pre-K!! 
This was a bittersweet moment today... My youngest graduated Pre-Kindergarden. One of many graduations and one of many proud mommy moments I will experience in this lifetime. God has truly blessed me with amazing children and I'm super happy to be their mother!!! I wish my daddy was here siting beside me cheering him on. It was a bit awkward. We were sitting in the front row, and while I was on my phone preparing to take pictures, m mom was on the other side of me preparing to video record... awkward because my dad was the only one who would video record everything. He was the only one who held his video recorder in his hand ready to cheer his grandbabies on. E said later that day that he felt Papu watching him there. We smiled an he walked outside, released the balloons we gave him for graduation and stared up at them as they were floating away... he whispered softly, "You can have these Papu. I love you."


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