What is a Best Friend?

Best friends will always be best friends... they will always have their ups and downs but they will always love each other no matter what. They will be there for your children's births and your parents deaths. They will cry with you and laugh with you, But best of all, best friends aren't the ones that you have known forever, they're the ones who you met in 9th grade and have never left each others side since. 
A Best Friend is the kind of person who knows you inside and out, yet associates with you anyway. They love you to the core. They know your deepest darkest secrets, and keep them forever. They know your flaws, and disregard them happily. They hold your hand when you cry and are right by your side when you're laughing so hard you can't breathe. If you have a best friend, damn, you're lucky. But if not, you could spend your entire life searching.
Julie , my beautiful friend and mommy to be... Now we get to share motherhood together! ♥


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