When Labor and Delivery doesn't go as planned...

The BIG LIFE CHANGING day finally came for one of my best friend's. She was going to have her baby! Our last of the musketeers. The plan was to be induced on May 6, 2014 at 5am. All went well until... about 7:30pm. She was not progressing. We just recently talked about the labor and delivery process and how bad she did NOT want to have a C-Section... BUT Baby B just did not want to come out.
So now, the inevitable... what if everything doesn’t go according to plan? You have to be ready for a change in plans if circumstances dictate a change. How could that happen?
There could be some unanticipated reason your doctor can’t get there OR
Baby decides he's just not ready to show his face OR
You go into labor unprepared (pre-matured) stuck at work or somewhere not close to the hospital OR
Medical problems/complications, (either yours or the baby’s).
There are so many circumstances that can come in the way of your "planned" labor and delivery HOWEVER, regardless of how it's planned, mommy and baby will be just fine.
All women want a healthy baby, along with a delivery that is normal without complications. Most of the time, that is what happens.
This is the reality of labor and delivery.Frustration happens when it isn't going your way. Nerves get the best of you and you feel like everything is happening to you. You have questions that need answers. You ask for advice from all your friends that are already mothers. But deep down inside regardless of the situation you know everything is going to be okay. Not because of what the doctor said. Not because of what all the other mothers say... But because you're a mother now too and you have those motherly instincts that you didn't have 9 months ago. 
None-the-less, Baby Braden came out like perfection. After being in labor for over 20 hours and having an emergency C-section due to complications, she did it! Braden finally showed his handsome little face on May 7, 2014 at 1:13am weighing 8lbs 6oz, happy and healthy! Watching her with him for the first time was magical. Mommy and daddy are very proud parents. 
Welcome to parenthood!


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