The electricity is out???

I always plan for the typical week. My schedule, beautifully laid out on my iCal goodness, never includes things like getting sick, emergency room visits, or electricity going out at my kids' school. So of course, as parents know, we have to leave a little margin in our life to accommodate for that.
You see, when I dropped them off at school around 7:10 this morning, it was like any other day, except for the fact that it was raining "cats and dogs." They gathered their backpacks and lunch kits, I kissed them and hugged them goodbye and ALMOST drove off. I say almost because I always watch them walk into the school, just to be on the safe side (Mommy's Paranoia I know). 
Until one of the teachers came running back to tell me that, "The electricity is down and we are unsure when or if it will be powered back on. We are asking all parents to take their children back home as we are not held liable for anyone while the power is off." We waited for at least 30minutes and still nothing. 
So... I decided to take them to Starbucks for some hot cocoa to let the time fly by while we waited for daddy to pick them up since the electricity at their school is still out. I called him to let him know about the situation and fortunately, he wasn't far from home. It was his turn to take the day off as I usually take more days off because of illnesses, nurse phone calls from school, etc... as my job is way more flexible. But, this time he was able to rush back home and meet me at the Starbucks near my job to pick them up. 
After all, we are a team and it's both our responsibility to care and accommodate for our children whatever the situation. Being a dad, he even attempted to take them back to the school just to see if the power had turned back on... But nope. He called me instantly and told me that it was still down and that the kids that rode the buses and those that walked from home, were situated in the cafeteria with the windows open. He told me "There's no way I'm leaving my kids there with no electricity, doing absolutely nothing but getting into trouble. Guess it's daddy day!" Typical father.


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