For my Mother and Her Mother.

The surprise Mothers Day Brunch for our moms and great-grandma was a success! It was perfect!
 It was not like any other Mothers Day's before. No fancy restaurants, no live jazz bands, no huge crowds... Just a peace and quiet atmosphere and our moms. I decided that this year, my mom deserved the best. It's our first year without my daddy, and he is always the one to whisper in our ears how proud of us he is and how grateful he is to have my mom as a mother and grandmother. It was hard to take in. I wouldn't receive a text from my daddy for this Mother's Day, a kiss on the cheek or a "I'm proud of you baby" remark. I wanted to make this day as simple and as special for my mom as well as for me. I called my cousin and shot her all the ideas. She loved it and we made it happen at my grandmas house. She's 100 years old and the thought of taking her back and forth in public was not a good idea. We decided to bring it to them.
Fortunately I have all the decor for party's and I put it all together. I even made a 5X7 Mothers Day photo card for the both of us and placed them on the table. We made mini pancakes and waffles, croissants, stuffed breakfast dainty's, cinnamon rolls, spinach and bell pepper eggs and all kinds all different fruits, and our favorite...chocolate covered strawberries. For refreshments we had, bottomless mimosas and fresh coffee. The mimosas hit the spot and best of all my mom loved the blanket I made for her with my dad's photos. It really was an emotional time for all of us... The kids especially. The pictures say it all.


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