What the hives?

This is the first time I've ever seen or dealt with something like this but this boy always seems to surprise me with something... 
As a mother, my anxiety levels were rising and although a mother of almost 8 years, I'm still learning. As I stayed at home with E waiting for the rain to die down before his doc appt, all I could think about was how he could have contracted this. These ugly rashes, sweats and cough attacks were worrying me and I was going down a list of things he might have came in contact with whether it was food allergies, airborne or an insect bite. 
My mind was going crazy trying to figure out how these ugly rashes came about and spread throughout his body. Sure enough my friend who works in a pediatrics clinic, told me they were hives. Hives? What the hell are hives? Well I know what they are BUT how? And why my poor baby? Ugh!
Liquid benadryl and cortizone were suggested and I immediately started his dosage. These things called hives were weird and unusual. The picture I took below was only 10 minutes before he saw the doctor... And when he saw the doctor, it was all cleared up. That's how they worked on my son anyway. They would show themselves on one place of his body then disappear and show themselves on a completely different area throughout the day. 
After a visit from the doctor, it was a given that he had "Urticaria", also known as hives, which is an outbreak of swollen, pale red bumps or plaques (wheals) on the skin that appear suddenly -- either as a result of the body's adverse reaction to certain allergens, or for unknown reasons. He was prescribed steroids. Eh, not sure how I feel about that but if it helps ease his desire to itch and the hives disappear for good then it's okay with me. I understood he had allergies but I was explained that he suffers from bad allergies associated with asthma and breakouts. 
From  now on, we will keep a closer eye on him and what he eats, drinks, plays around and gets inc contact with. Seems legit? Oh for God's sake, he's just a kiddo. I'll just let him enjoy his childhood.


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