My Best Friends Baby.

Making the decision to have a child is momentous, it is to decide to have your heart go walking around outside your body. ♥ 

As my lovely friend and her husband welcomed their first baby into the world, as a friend, I want hero feel as stress-free as possible. You want to be a helpful visitor, one that isn't making it harder on your friend who just gave birth. I am willing to commit to being their for her when she needs me. Being a friend is such a privilege and there is nothing like the sisterhood of a friendship and support system especially one with the most important thing in common... Motherhood. 
Do this, and your new mama buddy will be forever grateful:
Ask some open ended questions about how she's feeling, and be prepared to be a listening ear. Don't give advice, especially parenting advice, even that trick from your best friend's cousin's grandma that always puts a baby to sleep. Just listen, nod and affirm her feelings. 
I loved the day with Baby Braden. Mama Julie was spoiled and was able to enjoy her day baby duty free! From changing his diapers, to feeding him her pumped booby milk, to burping him, holding him, rocking him to sleep, playing with him... She was able to relax for one day after a whole week after the delivery of Baby Braden. Good help can make a big difference, and it can be a way to cement your relationship, even if your friend has embarked on a new journey as a parent. And don't you want to be the hero that lives forever in new-baby infamy? Of course you do! 


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