Talent Show Madness... Frozen inspired!

Are you a Frozen fan or do you have children who are? Well, my children are crazy about it!.... since the first day they saw it at the movie theaters. At this years Talent show, Frozen's soundtrack was most popular.
Describing what I've been doing for the past week in one word is impossible. If I'm not writing a 10 page report or studying for a test aside from working full-time and being a mommy, I'm doing something else, like... drawing/coloring backdrops and making props, helping my kids practice for their frozen inspired solo's, and helping my mom make the costumes for the part ALL for their school Talent Show. Yup, I'm never NOT busy. Organizing and being a part of a Talent Show is more work than you think. My children were one of the lucky one's to perform in this years Talent Show at school... 'Sarcastically.'
A talent show is an event where participants perform talents of singing, dancing, acrobatics, acting, drumming, martial arts, playing an instrument, or other activities to showcase skills, sometimes for a reward, trophy or prize. Many talent shows are performances rather than contests, but some are actual contests, awarding prizes to their participants. Unfortunately there was no competition for my kids' school, it was only to showoff their talents. And boy were there a lot of different talents. Mostly Frozen inspired.


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