Time flies and doesn't wait for me!

Well, today is the last day I take my last final. I have applied for graduation and it seems like it happened over night. 3 years and 10 classes later.. I only have three more classes left and I'm done! Wow. A Masters Degree in Education and in Counseling... I will tell you right now, IT WASN'T EASY!  
This has been by far the hardest year. The kids were both in school and had each extra-curricular activities to attend to. Weekends were my only escape and even then, with classes during the week and work full-time, I rarely had time to be a mom. I nearly killed myself trying to do all of this! I should have graduated already but I am behind a semester after dropping out to take care of my dad who was placed in Hospice Care. It's been tough but I'm almost done. All I have left is Practicums and clinical's towards my LPC and PhD. I'm really looking forward to that. I'm super excited. I know in the end it will be all worth it and my hard work and dedication will be recognized... Whether it be opening up my own practice, Or working with a partner for Youth and At-Risk families, Or even being a University Professor and College Counselor to gain more insight... but until then, it's been a real challenge. 
I always tell myself, "The tassle is worth the hassle!" Even if it is my fourth one.
Photo: One more week, then finals and I'm done for this semester! Then practicum and clinical's will consume my life... #gradschoollife #mastersdegree #therapist #Godisgood #hardworkanddedication


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