I Found a Cheerio... Where?!

Just found a honey nut Cheerio in my bra. Now the great internal debate begins of whether to eat it or not. So torn. It's a honey nut one and we all know those ain't your average Cheerio.
"Cherrio's are great in a bowl for breakfast, but it doesn't seem like this popular breakfast food always ends up there." LOL. Cheerios were often found in the deepest, darkest corners of bags and cars and bras. My children have gone through the Cheerio stage, where their primary snack has been found in places you don't even want to know. When the kiddos were smaller, this was always a fav snack of their's, but because I was breastfeeding, they always ended up... in my BRA #1. How'd they get there? Sneaky kids I tell you!
Below is a list of places the famous Cheerio has made it's way through in my book.
#10 In the Toilet
#9 In my shirt
#8 In my kids chones (underwear)
#7 In my washer and dryer
#6 In my purse
#5 In my shoe
#4 In my pillowcase
#3 On my pet
#2 In the DVD player
#1 In my BRA


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